In October 2021 I was awarded a Visual Artist and Craft Maker Award, funded by Orkney Islands Council, Creative Scotland and Highlands & Islands Enterprise.
This award has enabled me to undertake a developmental project which will last until October 2022, focusing on the creation of my own woven cloth to use in textile collage works, using wool and other yarn sourced from my own archive or from other inspirational female creatives.
As I talked about in a previous blog I have also become mesmerised by the art of visible repair, and as the year-long project has developed, both elements have become entwined in my thinking and making.

I now have a large amount of handwoven cloth and repaired fabrics to work with, play with and create a series of works with. The aim is to produce three dimensional objects which can be ‘dressed’ or ‘undressed’ with a series of additional pieces, a wee bit akin to dolls, or those paper dolls with clothes that you used to find in girls comics in the 1970s. The objects will be displayed based on the mood of the owner of the work. I haven’t a clue how yet, but I know this year as been building up to it and I’m really excited about what is to come.

Untitled - handwoven twill, repaired Indian hand printed cotton, elastic, wood, tweed and embroidery silks 6” x 6”. Private collection.
Repaired cushion. Private collection.
Repaired hand embroidered cotton pillowcase Made by Sarah Gee, 1970s.
Untitled - handwoven twill collage 6” x 6”. Private collection.
Untitled - handwoven twill collage 6“ x 6”. Private collection.
Untitled - hand framed and felted wool, Shetland ceramic button, repaired Indian hand printed cotton, embroidery silks. Work in progress.